Tbh I’m not really hyped about the way they shot the scene of Michonne killing Ron. Based on the spoilers I expected Ron shooting first, Michonne seeing Carl’s face and then doing what needs to be done to prevent more damage. That would make sense. But the way they actually shot it rubs be the wrong way. It looked like Michonne didn’t need to kill him at all since he wasn’t actually already shooting (and to avert the kid shooting by murdering him is just extreme) and he was only pointing the gun the same way Rick was in 5x15 (or many times before or after). She knew nothing about him attacking Carl before and had no idea if he was an actual danger to them or not. She could have solved it by knocking him out the same way she did with Rick in 5x15. He was just a kid that saw the rest of his family torn to pieces, he was clearly in shock. He didn’t shot until there was a damn katana in his stomach, and even then it was more than likely just a reflex. It was just brutal and seemed unnecessary, and I wish the writer/director of this episode would have handled it differently. (с)
меня эта сцена тоже сильно напрягла с моральной точки зрения. не то чтобы я стала меньше любить мишон, но поступила она неправильно. и это факт. скорее всего, дело в том, что рик ей семья, а на рона ей откровенно насрать... но серьёзно... если бы она его не убила, то карл бы и не словил эту шальную пулю. а то, что карла надо было обязательно подстрелить для дальнейшего развития сюжета и персонажа, ну так можно было это как-то по-другому обыграть, как в том же комиксе.