So, I’m not exactly sure why the general opinion on Luhan is that he’s girly, because for some reason, I’m not really seeing it? Like people make him out to be princess-like in some fanfics and say he’s delicate, but I’m not exactly sure where they’re getting it from. I know they’re fanfiction and people are allowed to shape anyone’s personality into any way they see fit, but I don’t think Luhan in real life is nearly as feminine as people say. If you watch him during any fancams or shows, Luhan is usually the one who’s leading or protecting his members. Using his own body to shelter anyone from hurting Lay’s waist, or leading Xiumin by the wrist through airports, etc.
He doesn’t have overly feminine mannerisms nor does he even speak in a girlish way. I feel as if it’s mostly just some fans pushing their own imaginative perceptions on him just so they can see him as the more vulnerable partner in relationships when it comes to their otps. There isn’t anything wrong with that though. If you prefer seeing him ‘bottom’ in most if not all your favorite pairings then so be it. No one should knock you for your own preferences.
I personally see him typically as a top because from the way I view him, it fits (Especially with Xiumin). To me, he’s seems to be one of the more ‘manlier’ acting members even if he doesn’t look the manliest. It seems that people tend to have a very black and white view when it comes to looks and how it correlates to someone’s personality. There doesn’t seem to be many gray areas. People assume he must be girly because he’s pretty without actually paying much attention to how he actually is. If someone looks manly, people assume he must be very strong and aggressive which isn’t always the case either.
I think the same can be said for other ‘’pretty idols’ like Kim Heechul or Key who people say are feminine, but they actually have pretty masculine personalities too (at least it seems like they do). Then again, this is all just my own opinion from observing them, so others may agree or may disagree. (c)
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| среда, 30 января 2013