И вообще, у меня уже такое чувство, что эти двое безбожно нас троллят. Они всё это специально говорят!
Interviewer: …What are aspects about yourself that you find comfort in other ppl?
James McAvoy: I think for me it’s just that people who are open and that being able to make the most of the day, kinda like trying and having a nice time together that aspect I can respond to. I responded to that in you…darling.
Michael Fassbender: Thanks, darling. You too.
(Эти две фразочки... they are sooo married )
interviewer: *awkward laugh* This is a sweet moment.
(Чувак понял, что третий лишний )
James: It is. It’s touchful.
Michael: *agrees*
James: Nearly as powerful as the film.
Both of them: Nearly
Ну и от систер потащила кое-что, ибо это божественно.
07.06.2011 в 08:53
Пишет fox.:я рыдаю. просто скажи уже что ты его хочешь, все остальное ты уже сказал.
“Michael Fassbender is incredible, and really strong—and sexy.” McAvoy added that he and Fassbender decided to work out the textures of their on-screen relationship to give the film heart and make it “more than an action movie.”
URL записи“Michael Fassbender is incredible, and really strong—and sexy.” McAvoy added that he and Fassbender decided to work out the textures of their on-screen relationship to give the film heart and make it “more than an action movie.”